Thursday, February 17, 2005

Meditation Belongs to the Lord

In Nick's pastoral care class, he's about to learn about ways to meditate. You just cringed, didn't you?! I saw you! If you're a Christian, the word meditate makes you get the willies! Why is that? Well, in our modern American culture, we see meditation as belonging to all things holistic health, spiritual darkness, black magic, witchcraft, demonic, whatever...instead of belonging to God. Unlike most things in Christian culture, we actually beat the world to the punch on this one! God and his followers of the Bible all encouraged meditation on God and his word-

"When I remember you on my bed, I meditate on You in the night watches, For You have been my help, and in the shadow of Your wings I sing for joy." Psalm 63:6-7

"O how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day!" Psalm 119:97

"Let my meditation be pleasing to Him; as for me, I shall be glad in the Lord." Psalm 104:34

It's sad that when we hear the word "meditate" the first thing we think of is yoga or other activities when participators are encouraged to empty their minds. Thankfully, as Christians, we are encouraged to fill our minds with the things of Christ- the Bible, prayer and petition, the attributes of God, etc. We have so many amazing, mind-boggling things to ponder about and think on. Let me be clear. The first step of secular mediation would be to make your mind blank. The next steps would vary depending on who you ask, but one I hear often is that one should try to find his or her 'spirit guide.' Sadly, many people depend on their 'spirit guides' for creativity instead of recognizing God as the master creator. Therefore, they become hooked on this meditation deeply rooted in demonic activity.

Last night at a friend's house, Nick and I were admiring a fascinating painting done by our friend's friend. We learned that this friend is very reliant on some sort of demonic spirit for his creativity, and does not have a desire to break free from him, because he doesn't seem to feel like he's in bondage. It reminded me of the book, "The Beautiful Side of Evil" in which a woman who later becomes a Christian had a 'spirit guide' help her perform surgeries on patients.

Anyway, I felt convicted that this amazing artist probably spends much more time a day with this dark, creative, spirit than I do with my God and Master Creator. He is the Light and the pure one who beckons us to think on Him and to meditate on His goodness throughout the day, and thankfully, true meditation was created by and belongs to Him.

1 comment:

warriorpoet9 said...

hey beautiful brittany! i haven't talked to you in entirely too long! i just wanted to leave you a comment to say i love you!
