Monday, March 13, 2006

What I Didn't Miss About TV

On the eve of our church's Cultivate Beauty (formerly also dubbed Kill Your TV) month, Nick and I got a deal on a TV. For the first time in two years of marriage, a silent invader perches in our midst. It has been purposely placed in a frame of bookshelves packed with books. It's not too large, and our main reason for getting it is to make movie-watching a less strenuous experience--we were getting tired of watching flicks on our laptop and getting everything set up for the big event. Also, we can have friends over to enjoy films with us.

In the couple of weeks we've had it, we've caught bits and pieces of several sitcoms and other shows. In many ways, I haven't been impressed. The one-liners, canned laughter, and commercials every 5 minutes get really old. We've been spoiled by watching episodes of Alias and Lost on DVD, with no interruptions and the ability to pause it for water breaks. I really do think that TV can give one ADD--it grabs your attention, leaves you hanging, and in your antsiness you walk in circles and console yourself with junk food. That really can't be good for you.

So, this past weekend, we resorted to watching about 8 episodes of Lost, uninterrupted. I'm pretty sure that was unhealthy too. But it was a lot more fun!


Kent said...

Hi Brittany. I am constantly amazed to find Blogs by people of faith. I am kinda new to this and striving to make it count for something positive in the world.
I have bookmarked your Blog and hope you will check out mine:

Alex & Laura Beth said...

I have to confess... Even though I don't watch very much TV, I really, really like it. If we had TLC, I would probably be in big trouble.

ckjolly said...

Ah ... fellow ALIAS fans ... I knew I liked you two.

My roommate Erin tells me that you and Nick feel called to start a church out in Seattle.

I've been assigned by NAMB to serve in a church in Olympia this summer. It was the closest I could get to Seattle. I have an incredible burden to "be Jesus" to this region that has almost altogether rejected what they perceive to be Christianity. I'd love to pick your brains about it sometime.

Maybe I'll get Erin to introduce us at church this Sunday.

Bobby said...

I love Lost! I missed out on the first season, so I got to catch it all on DVD, and you're right -- that's the way to go. Commercial-free, and no waiting a week between episodes.

Alias was my favorite show for two or three seasons. I feel like the writers ran out of gas, got tired of being moved around on the schedule, or were perhaps too involved with Lost to continue doing Alias justice.