Monday, September 26, 2005

Deep Red Embarassment

Blushing is somewhat of a curse. If you are a blusher, you would know what I'm talking about. Somewhere at your core, something sizzles. Then it seeps through once-blue veins, tingling your toes, tingling your fingers, then the tip of your nose. There you sit, a 20-something who by many standards is an adult, blushing like an idiot. And you canNOT hide blushing.

It could be because someone saw you tear up, because you stumbled over your words, or because you're in an interview and can't think of the slightest intelligent answer for the question you were just asked. Those are the reasons that I blush.

But sometimes I try to think of myself as sorta holy because I blush. You know, because it makes me look really humble and innocent and stuff. The thing is, I don't think anyone else thinks of me that way--they probably think I'm just shy! Plus, I don't remember reading any scripture about redness=holiness. That's just not how it is.

I have to say though, I'd almost rather feel anything else than embarassment. I guess that just makes me prideful? Or maybe just decide.


Alex & Laura Beth said...

Oh, Brittany! I know exactly what you are talking about. I am a blusher too. It's horrible. My whole body gets really hot and numb, my neck and chest get red splotches, and my face turns fire-engine red. There is no hiding it.
What's worse is that I can be doing perfectly fine, but if someone thinks I should be embarrassed about something and says, "You're turning red." I'll intstantly blush.
It is a rather humbling quality.

Lisa said...

Hey Brittany, it's always a pleasure to read your posts and climb into your mind and heart for a

Hope to see another post from you soon!