Saturday, October 22, 2005

Vulnerability and Silence

Maybe it all started with J-Lo, this love for being real or vulnerable. Or maybe it was reality TV. But no matter how it started, you cannot deny that these days, it's cool to be "real." I think that scripture in many ways conveys this message--there is a theme throughout of being honest, seeking truth, and being vulnerable with the Lord and in appropriate settings, other people.

I hope to write a book one day, but I tell ya, lately I've been pretty uninspired. But when I do write one, if it's a genre that allows for personal antidotes and reflections, I hope I can be vulnerable with my readers. However, you can be sure, there are little "pearls" of information you'll never find in my books. This is because I will never share the deepest intimacies of my relationship with my husband or other memories that I hold closest to my heart. There are certain details that should only be shared with the Lord and maybe a family member or other special person in your life. If I put all my personal stuff out on the line, for me it's the equivalent of "throwing my pearls to swine." I hope my readers won't be swine, but that's beside the point.

I write this to discourage others from being vulnerable with every cowpoke they meet. Spilling your guts isn't as respectable as using discretion regarding what you share, how much you share, and with whom.

My dad is a quite, wise, and godly person. He once quoted my grandpa as saying "I'd rather be silent and store up wise words to share than an idiot always running my mouth."

Thanks, Dad.

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