Monday, January 09, 2006

What I'm Reading...

Today I'm at a loss for words anywhere near profound. I haven't blogged in so long so it's doubtful I have much of a blossoming readership. Anyway, I just feel like listing the books I've been reading.

The Book of Job from the chronological Bible

A Chance to Die (the life of Amy Carmichael) by Elisabeth Elliot
-Her life is a beautiful one to learn from - a woman missionary to India decades ago

What to Expect When You're Expecting (I'm on month four :)
-Helpful hint: When prego, stand at least twenty inches away from microwaves. Question: Who stands closer than that anyway?


Bobby said...

I stand very close to the microwave, in eager anticipation. Plus, I want to block the path of anyone who might try to come up and steal my food.

Lisa said...

Congrats on the coming little one! I know you both must be thrilled. When are you expecting?